We are pleased to announce that a new group of concerned citizens is joining us in our efforts to end the use of commercial freighter anchorages in the Southern Gulf Island waters.
Ruxton is one of the De Courcy Group of Islands in the Southern Gulf Islands and is located south-east of Nanaimo between Pylades and Stuart Channels. The boat-access-only island has a mix of year-round and seasonal residents and is a popular destination for recreational boaters.
Ruxton residents have become increasingly alarmed as both the number of freighters and days at anchor have dramatically increased in recent years. This community is specifically impacted by two anchorages close to the island, Trincomali #7 and Trincomali #8, which lie in a very narrow part of Pylades Channel—0.9 nautical miles wide—between Ruxton and Valdes Island.
“We strongly believe that the SCSWA has formed a very good framework for providing a collective voice to advocate for the elimination of anchorages in the Southern Gulf Islands as part of ongoing efforts to preserve the area’s fragile environment and the health of both marine animals and coastal residents. Members of Ruxton Anchorage Watch (RAW) are committed to working with SCSWA in this initiative.”
You can reach Ruxton Anchorage Watch directly by Email