The South Coast Ship Watch Alliance is the collation of grassroots, volunteer organizations who are working against the harmful effects of freighter anchorages in the Southern Gulf Islands. We are very pleased to be adding many strong Salt Spring voices to this campaign.
‘Protect The Islands Sea’ is a grassroots group of Salt Spring Islanders who have become increasingly concerned and alarmed about the industrialization of the waters between our islands, particularly by large bulk freighters and possibly oil tankers in the future. Their mission is to create awareness and protect the diverse marine ecosystems around Salt Spring Island and to keep this place special and an oasis close to urban centres.
The next project will explore Ganges Shelf at the doorstep of the island community. This is a rare shallow seabed habitat that is rich in biodiversity and central to a fragile marine foodweb including herring and salmon. It is connected with a multitude of valuable and sensitive marine habitats, shoreline ecosystems and islets. Popular beaches are enjoyed by islanders and visitors, and it is appreciated for recreation by sailors, boaters, and kayakers. Like other parts of the Gulf Islands, this area has increasingly been targeted by large industrial sea-going vessels for anchoring. The value of this ecosystem and the impact of anchoring vessels on different parts of the environment and the community will be illuminated.
There is no formal membership to participate in the group at this point. Supporters and team members keep in touch with a Newsletter. If you live on or have ties to Salt Spring Island, we recommend that you subscribe at their website (or simply use There is also a lot of valuable information for a general audience.
To see the rest of the alliance members, visit the About page.