A man with a friendly face, white hair and glasses, wearing a black suit and dark blue tie over a white dress shirt while seated at a desk, looks directly to unseen committee members to whom he is speaking.

SCSWA presentation to federal TIC Standing Committee

October 23, 2023 SCSWA presentation to SCTIC—Our South Coast Ship Watch Alliance [SCSWA] took part in presentations to the federal government’s Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities [SCTIC] as its members considered amendments to Bill C-33.

SCSWA representative Bruce McConchie was invited to address the committee to bring attention to the issue of cargo ship anchoring in the Southern Gulf Islands and adjacent Vancouver Island waters. You can watch Bruce’s presentation below [or at this link should the video player not load], and read the transcript of the proceedings [including questions posed to Bruce and his responses] here.

“I am here to encourage you, on behalf of our fellow islanders, our children, and grandchildren, and Indigenous Peoples of the west coast, to further your work to preserve a very special part of Canada, with over 300 species at risk.”

“Above water, the very health of coastal residents is affected… and, we are living with the constant fear of a major incident.”

“No economic gains can buy back our environment.”

“It was five years ago, this month, that my fellow coastal resident Chris Straw passionately addressed this committee on this same topic.”

Bruce McConchie